
Each person is unique, so following a generic diet does not always give results. The key to sustainable food is to customize it according to your lifestyle, needs, and objectives.

Step 1: Define your Main Goal

Before you start, ask yourself: do you want to improve your daily energy, increase muscle mass, lose weight, or simply feel better? Set a clear goal will help you make better decisions.

Step 2: Know your Nutritional Needs

Each body has different requirements of calories, macronutrients and micronutrients. Learn the basics of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats will allow you to better structure your meals.

Step 3: Adapt your Diet to your Routine

If you have schedules adjusted, plan your meals in advance can prevent you to take impulsive decisions. If you like to cook, take the opportunity to experiment with healthy recipes and varied.

Step 4: Find a Realistic Balance

This isn’t about eliminating foods, but distribute it in a way that will benefit. 80% of nutritious foods and 20% of flexibility can be a good starting point.

Step 5: Listen to your Body and Adjust As Needed

Meal plans are not static. Observe how you are feeling, what works best for you and adjust on the fly with no fear to the changes.


Nurture yourself well does not mean to follow strict rules, but find a balance that suits you. The key is in the flexibility, knowledge and perseverance.