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Monthly Membership Simplified

Benefits included in membership

Plan accessible and effective for those who seek to improve their nutrition and well-being without the need of a personalized advice

Eating Plan general updated every month

Healthy recipes and easy to prepare.
A variety of options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Workout routine monthly

Plan exercises to train at home or at the gym.
In PDF format or a short video demonstrations.

E-books and guides exclusive

Access to a new e-book or digital guide each month on nutrition, fitness or well-being.

Community support (optional)

Group in Telegram or Facebook to share progress and get motivation.

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Choosing Us for Mental Wellness

For only $30 USD per month, access to a meal plan, updatedwith easy recipes and healthy, a workout routine monthly adaptable home or gym, e-books and guides exclusive on nutrition and well-being, in addition to a community of support optional to motivate you.

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